
Showing posts from August, 2019

Tough Decisions

What do you do when you have a big decision on your plate? How do you make the right choice? Pros and cons lists. Ok. Talking it out seriously with your partner. Ok. But what if you're really stuck? I'm interested to hear how others work through these situations.  Please share.


For many of these posts I use my own experiences. I, like many others, create expectations that can be unrealistic. I am then disappointed. Why do we do this to ourselves? Our children have expectations of how things could be, having a great action packed summer, only to find mom and/or dad have to work and they are stuck at home or with a sitter. We expect a trip to be so wonderful but it rains, there are delays getting there. Why do we do this to ourselves? Is our expectation based on perception or our perception based on our expectations?  Perception, according to m, is " the representation of what is   perceived ; basic component in the formation of a concept. percept, perceptual experience. internal representation, mental representation, representation - a presentation to the mind in the form of an idea or image".  What? Is this saying that we create an image in our mind that we internalize as the truth?  So should we create our expectat...