My original question, why therapy!
When I began this blog I named it "Why therapy?" People ask themselves, why go to talk to someone that they don't know, how can they help me? It's not that you're talking to a stranger. You're talking with a trained professional that is looking at your situation differently then a family member or friend can. As a marriage and family therapist we look at the entire picture, all factors, that contribute to an individual and their situation. As an individual we may not realize the things that may be contributing to our anxiety, or our sadness, such as changes in life, whether they be a death in the family, change of job, tension in the household, or even something that could have happened many years ago. We influence those around us and they influence us as well, which can contribute to our situation. So why therapy? The time with a counselor provides you and your family a time to express your feelings, frustrations and things you may not be able to stay at ...